Friday, March 18, 2016

Why would Americans want Donald Trump as our president?

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He talks before he thinks. He shows his Tantrumps. He insults people. He incites violence. He belittles women.

Trump chooses his words poorly. He is turning the world against us. He's not thinking about people who invest in things like 401k's, which invest in stocks of companies around the world. We need to bring manufacturing back to America without insulting American companies the way Trump has done. After all, Trump is guilty of doing business in other countries.

He also has been profiling ethnic groups as if they all think the same. You know: all Mexicans are drug dealers and rapists and all Muslims are terrorists. He says Mexico will pay for his wall. Maybe they will but you don't embarrass a neighboring friendly country the way Trump has done in public.

He is also acting like he should be the GOP's choice even if he doesn't reach the magic delegate number to be the nominee at the convention.

Trump may have never learned how to control his feelings or his mouth. He probably has gotten his way all his life. He was born into money and went to private schools. This is not the way the average American grows up.

Trump is a dangerous choice for America.

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