Saturday, March 19, 2016

Voters Feeling Anger and Disenfranchised Not Alert To Reasons Why

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The roots of discord

The undercurrent of feeling in the U.S., one of anger and frustration, while justified and to a large extent welcome, does not necessarily funnel change in a positive direction.

In the case of Donald Trump, those individuals feeling disenfranchised do not seem to be alert to the reason for their suffering, and thus tend to support extremes in their rush to vent their anger, i.e., “Anything is better than what we have now.” Donald Trump is too much of a narcissist to carry through on his boastful promises.

Those in his party who are so surprised at how Trump could have come about even now refuse to admit what brought us to this point: the self-serving behavior of the far right, and their abandonment of any pretext of participation in the government they swore to uphold and defend. For the last seven-plus years, their emphasis has been totally focused on returning to power, and they have demonstrated a willingness to let the people suffer if the alternative was to show the opposition in a positive light. For example, since the 
Republicans took over the Senate in 2012, appointments of federal judges have been blocked, even though there is a backlog of cases begging to be resolved. The Scalia replacement situation is but another example.
That things are bad is a given. That an angry mob can make things better is highly doubtful. They would need to be better organized, better able to see the big picture and work to make meaningful changes, such as term limits — remove these permanent campaigners from our government. But so far, all I see are tough guys cheering wildly at either empty platitudes or language that encourages them to feel comfortable in their bigotry.

The anger is justified, but the solution is misdirected.
By: Noel J. Munson

Friday, March 18, 2016

Why would Americans want Donald Trump as our president?

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He talks before he thinks. He shows his Tantrumps. He insults people. He incites violence. He belittles women.

Trump chooses his words poorly. He is turning the world against us. He's not thinking about people who invest in things like 401k's, which invest in stocks of companies around the world. We need to bring manufacturing back to America without insulting American companies the way Trump has done. After all, Trump is guilty of doing business in other countries.

He also has been profiling ethnic groups as if they all think the same. You know: all Mexicans are drug dealers and rapists and all Muslims are terrorists. He says Mexico will pay for his wall. Maybe they will but you don't embarrass a neighboring friendly country the way Trump has done in public.

He is also acting like he should be the GOP's choice even if he doesn't reach the magic delegate number to be the nominee at the convention.

Trump may have never learned how to control his feelings or his mouth. He probably has gotten his way all his life. He was born into money and went to private schools. This is not the way the average American grows up.

Trump is a dangerous choice for America.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

“It's all about me!” egotism that is Donald Trump.


Scary prospect

I have lived under 13 U.S. presidents, beginning with Franklin Roosevelt. I don't recall any of them, including the candidates who ran unsuccessfully for this most important office, who had the, “It's all about me!” egotism that is Donald Trump.
We have to look to Europe to find a similar egomaniac — who likewise rode a wave of populism to office — to find examples of what type of leadership may result, should his campaign be successful.
By: John V.R. King

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

America’s populace is very mad at both political parties

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Common sense tells me that America’s populace is very mad at both political parties, and tired of political wrangling.
The president cannot build a fence without approval of Congress. No other country will pay for it. No president is able to get much done without the approval of Congress.
You cannot dictate religious thoughts. You cannot dictate political beliefs.
We should be punishing the Americans who hire illegal workers. But we need some migrant laborers. It would be cheapest to control immigration through employers.
There is nothing to gain by separating families.
We should think more about “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for everyone.
We should not believe everything we hear or read.

Monday, March 14, 2016

What A Political Year For President 2016 Is

Baby Trump Magazine Big Mouth Tantrump

A trying season

One thing for sure is that the primary season is way too long. The media circus is exhausting and ridiculous, and some of the candidates have sunk to new lows.
On the Democratic side: Hilary Clinton, as a former senator and secretary of state ,is very capable in domestic and foreign policy, but she is dogged by scandal both real and imagined; Bernie Sanders’ message resonates with voters who have seen their political and purchasing power diminished. He is also a seasoned senator.
On the Republican side we have seen the rise of Donald Trump, a bully who has tapped into the anger and frustration of the average citizen. He has made lofty promises with no plan or policy, and insulted everyone in sight. How this vulgar thrice-married casino owner is appealing to evangelicals boggles the mind.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bernie Sanders an 86 percent slam-dunk

Honest Bernie Sanders and Honest Abe Lincoln for President Poster

Who’s the winner?

Political myths can be fun as long as they are not taken too seriously. For example, we all “know” that Al Gore invented the Internet and that Sarah Palin could see Russia from the window of her home. Certainly these creations add some humor and color to our culture. However, there seems to be a myth floating around in this year’s presidential extravaganza that may be misleading voters. The myth: Hillary Clinton is the more “electable” Democratic candidate. You say, how can this be? Would the Clinton campaign really fabricate a myth?
You betcha! When our political scientists cleared a path through the fog of the campaign spin doctors, a more factual picture arose. Poll after poll beginning in October 2015 through March 1 of this year indicated otherwise — it is Bernie Sanders who has the edge against the Republicans in the general election. Here is an example of the head-to-head match-up poll from Quinnipiac University dated Feb. 18: Against Donald Trump, Sanders wins by six points; Clinton by only one.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Three Stooges - Moe (Donald Trump), Larry (Ted Cruz) and Curly-Joe (Marco Rubio)

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Cue the stooges

As an aging baby boomer, I have been able to observe the last six decades of bizarre political behavior exhibited by our political leaders. During the Watergate hearings, all Americans were glued to their TVs listening to their president discussing his crimes and cover-ups.
William Jefferson Clinton proved beyond any doubt that having sex with a White House intern was the moral equivalent of not having sex with a White House intern.
Allegedly, President Lyndon Johnson would take his Secret Service contingent for a 100-mph drive through the back roads of the Johnson home territory in Texas. To add insult to injury, the Texan chief executive once peed on the shoes of his Secret Service bodyguard.
The most embarrassing of all acts of executive madness had to be the effort the other night by the three major Republican candidates to duplicate the comedy of the Three Stooges. Moe (Donald Trump), Larry (Ted Cruz) and Curly-Joe (Marco Rubio) put on a display that was masterful in its comic simplicity and humorous stupidity.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Rubio Move Out Of The Way In Florida

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No go, Rubio

During his run for U.S. Senate, Marco Rubio covered the state of Florida like a one-man swarm of bees. He met with FairTax supporters on a number of occasions. He promised us his top three priorities were going to be term limits, the balanced budget amendment and passing the FairTax bill. When we confronted the senator after the election as to why he did not co-sponsor H.R. 25, the Fair Tax Act, he gave us a sophomoric excuse that was obviously as deeply thought out as the thickness of our president’s skin.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Trump Not a Role Model for American Children


It's simple why Donald Trump should not be President. He has shown himself to be a racist, bully, anti-feminine, bombastic and very insulting to others. Mr Trump brings out the worst side of people.
He in no way is of presidential stature and should take a few lessons from President Obama on how to be a class act.

Trump would be a worldwide embarrassment as president representing American values. He also is not a good role model for kids. Many schools have been pushing anti-bullying campaigns and Donald Trump acts all the time like a bully and gets away with it. Is this the man you want your children to look up too?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

U.S. Barriers Add Hardships To Cuban People

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Tear down walls

I just returned from a visit to Cuba. The following impressions come from what I heard from the people.
The barriers that the United States has erected for more than 50 years to bring about regime change have only resulted in hardships for the Cuban people. While they have a realistic fear of the power of the totalitarian Communist Party, they have found ways of getting around some of its restrictions:
n “There are leaks in what they try to block.” The people have also found escape through their art, music, dance, and love of family.
n “Life is larger than what we are taught in school.” The people will survive even if we continue our embargo on goods, our barriers to business activity, and our restrictions on travel. There is little chance that the people will ever rise up to overthrow the government.
n “We will never shed the blood of our beautiful children.” But they continue to be people of hope. There is a hunger for American ways.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Little Trump Bad For America

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Trump the worst

Let Donald Trump’s claims speak for themselves:
n He used bravado and tough talk to convince everyone the U.S. Football League was wise to go up against the NFL. The owners listened, and lost. Don’t let this happen to America.
n He bought a fleet of planes and promised to have great success by converting them into luxurious planes. The promises were aplenty. Then Trump Airlines closed shop. Don’t let this happen to America.
n He proclaimed “Trump & tonic: would be widely known, and that Trump Vodka would set the standard for quality. Nope! Don’t let this happen to America.
n Donald and his son said that they know everything about financing. They claimed they would be the leading mortgage company in the country. Eight months later? Trump Mortgage was gone. Don’t let this happen to America.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Republican spectacle has now become a laughingstock to the entire world

Four republican 2016 run for white house

After Super Tuesday, it looks as if the fight for the Republican nomination will be reduced to just two or three candidates. Since the spectacle has now become a laughingstock to the entire world, I would suggest a departure from the customary debate format to something more civilized.
In order to elevate the tone of the contest, remaining contenders should be given the choice of either mud wrestling, or competing in the arena with sword and trident. This way at least our potential future president will be spared the stigma of having arrived at the White House by excreting fewer bodily fluids than his opponents, the main talking point of the current debates.
By; Phil Hartley

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I am fed up with the lies.

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Obama's gains

It seems most days there are letters blasting President Obama and how he has ruined our country. Well, I am fed up with the lies. How has an unemployment rate that is cut in half “ruining America”? How are millions of people on health care for the first time “ruining America”? How about the millions of jobs saved here and around the world by bailing out the auto companies? 
Perhaps “made in America” means nothing to the Obama-bashers. President Obama has made every decision with the best interest of the citizens of this country. Unfortunately, he has been stonewalled by a political party whose agenda is not the country's recovery, but the “recovery” of the White House. Astonishingly, we are a working-class community, yet those who believe Obama has ruined America identify and endorse those whose allegiance is to big, private corporations, their CEOs who are billionaires, and those who are destroying our planet.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Trump U Cardboard Rip Off

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How would you like it if you were promised a picture of yourself with hot Kate Upton? Now how would you like it if you paid for that picture in advance and got your picture taken with a life size cardboard Kate Upton cutout?

Well it seems the California Class Action suit involving Donald Trump University used this old business practice of bait and switch.

According to the complaint before the judge Trump University students after a one year apprenticeship were promised a three day seminar and a chance to take a personal photo with Donald Trump. Turns out they only received a photo with a cardboard cutout of the real estate giant.

To add insult to the poor students who invested there money into this program, many of the instructors were bankrupt real estate investors.

(Didn't Trump say he surrounds himself with good smart people?) This is how the rich get richer...ripping people off!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Tweedle Dum and Dummer The Trump Christie Show

tweedledum and tweedledee Trump-Christie
Two rude guys full of hot air.....

Billionaire Buffett Picks Hillary For President

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Just in case you missed it. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said Saturday that Americas economy is in better shape than the Republican candidates make it seem.
He also said that businesses like his still face challenges and that the negative drum beat from candidates could get voters down about the future.

Mr. Buffett has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Pissed off Republicans Will Not Win The White House

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It seems to me that the Pissed Off Republicans are running the GOP Show now. They use to be called the far right wing of the party, then the Tea Party, but now I just call them The Pissed off Republicans. Same group of people just a new name.

If they think picking candidates like Trump or Cruz are going to get them enough votes to win the white House, they're just kidding themselves. Most Americans like leaders with class like Reagan Obama, Carter and Eisenhower to name a few. Not name calling, say what ever kind of guys, like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Heck I'm not a a Rubio fan, but at least he wouldn't be an embarrassment for America in the eyes of the world.

Scalia Many Times Favored Right Wing Republicans Not The Interest Of American People

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Scalia vs. USA

The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia provides a great opportunity for America. Many of his decisions have been in favor of the right-wing Republicans and against the best interest of the American people, democracy, and more recently, the planet.
Begin with the decision to appoint George W. Bush president by stopping the recount in Florida when thousands of votes were never even counted and 500,000 more people voted for Gore. That is not democracy.
The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision to allow corporations and individuals to buy elections and candidates is contrary to any democratic principle. The Koch brothers are planning to spend more than $300 million in support of their Republican candidates. That is not democracy.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

U.S. Supreme Court justices No more brawling

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Antonin Scalia will be remembered as a “giant” among U.S. Supreme Court justices. What kind of giant remains to be seen. I believe history will, by a preponderance of the evidence, show Scalia was not just a pugnacious, combative jurist, but one who enjoyed brawling. He seemed to enjoy beating on others, whether by intellect or simple in-your-face verbal bullying.
Did he have the intelligence to carry out the duties of Supreme Court justice? No doubt. Only time will allow a thorough and more accurate judgment of the man as a Supreme Court justice. We are far too close, and the arguments surrounding his legal opinions are much too strident and vitriolic, to be clearly dissected by either the left or right wings of American politics.
On one thing and one thing only, I dearly hope both the reader and the political parties can agree. This United States does not need a new Supreme Court justice who will engage in intellectual brawls for the sake of the fight and personal enjoyment. The rancor and open mutual distrust, disrespect and outright name-calling between those to whom we have entrusted our and our children’s fate must cease. For those who believe nationwide political violence can’t happen here, break out the history books.
Mired in a pit of political self indulgence, we, like adolescents in a school yard, seem to be hurling ever more nasty insults at our rivals. How long before the first stone is cast? Stones are everywhere, and ours have names like “Armalite,” “Browning,” “Smith & Wesson” and many, many others. Think, people, think!

By: Joseph M. Burgess

Charles Grassley and Mitch McConnell Do A Disservice To Americans

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Swelled Head Mitch McConnell

Tossup needed

I read with both dismay and disgust that both Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Judiciary Committee leader Charles Grassley have both decided that they will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court nominee put forth by President Obama.
Whether you love or hate the president, it is not only his right, but his constitutional duty to name a successor to Justice Scalia. Their refusals carry about as much merit as Sen. Charles Schumer’s did when he proposed the same thing at the end of President Bush’s term. To refuse a hearing — based not on a lack of judicial qualifications, legal experience or Bar Association recommendation, but only on who makes the recommendation — only further politicizes an institution which is already far too political. There are bad rulings on both sides, conservative and liberal alike, and we would be far better off if we had no idea of the politics of a nominee. Before Scalia’s death, we had three conservative votes that would not waver, and also three liberal votes that were also completely predictable, with Kennedy and occasionally Roberts as toss-ups. We need more toss-ups.
And I wonder how happy Sens. McConnell and Grassley will be if they have to hold hearings for the nominee of newly elected President Bernie Sanders! Just do your jobs, and leave the politics out of it.
By: Michael Buchanan

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

How Can A Bully Trump Win?

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It seems odd to me that Donald Trump can keep getting people to vote for him. This Guy acts like the school yard bully. He calls Romney a fool! He calls Mexicans immigrants rapist, thugs and drug dealers. He wanted to ban Muslims  from entering the United States.

Do American's have this much hate  simmering inside them? Have we gotten to a point in life where we will lock out immigrants from entering the USA?

I hope Republicans wake up from there rush to put this say anything guy in the White House!

The Great Wall Of Trump Built By Mexico

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Trump The Great Divider

Originalist approach of Justice Antonin Scalia

Judicial intent

Although Justice Antonin Scalia was widely considered an individual of great intellect, character and charm, his originalist approach was a point of contention. The concept of originalism is an approach to interpreting the U.S. Constitution based on the perceived original intent of its framers.
But English words and terms are often open to various interpretations — including constitutional terms like “general welfare,” “natural born citizen,” “take care” and “cruel and unusual punishments.” Even the framers had their differences about the meaning of certain terms.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Trump Everyone Loves Me Except

trump hate mexico build a fence

Just what America needs...A president that will screw our neighbor to the south...
And Undo All the fence mending President Obama did around the world...
We don't need this Ego driven 1%  Guy selling out America to the highest bidder...

Why The Long Race For President?


Why do we have a national election campaign that last over 350 days? In Canada a campaign lasts less than 50 days.Why do we need so much extra time to pick a leader than our neighbor to the north?

Is America just a country set up to make money for big business no matter what? Canada has cheaper prescription drugs, less expensive health care for ALL and cheaper cost of  running for national office. Do we do anything in America besides Walmart at a reasonable cost anymore?

If we shorten the time we allow for campaigns. Our elected incumbent politicians would have to spend more time doing the job they were elected to do. Shorter campaigns also lessen the time for Super PACs to influence voters.

wgh i'm-right-magazine

Monday, February 22, 2016

Rubio Should Get Push

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Well now that Jeb Bush has pulled the plug on his failed bid for the White House most of his support should end up going to Rubio. If your voting Republican you need to learn more about this young senator from Florida before you support him.

As a  person who lives in the Sunshine State I've not seen anything Rubio has done for Florida that makes him deserve the White House. Rubio is a true politician he sounds good and looks good but it's all show. Many times when hes been interview by local Florida papers his answer are no comment.

Rubio is the kind of senator that is afraid to take a stand on hot issues. It's to bad that he is better at selling himself than Jeb Bush was.  Bye Jeb we wish you well...

wgh i'm-right-magazine

Paradise the land of too little Sleep

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I guess if your active and get lots of sun why do you need sleep? Okay we have all heard that as many as of third of U.S. adults don't get enough sleep. Are you shock by this? I'm not.

In a new government report just out it seems South Dakota residents have the largest proportion of adults who get at least seven hour of sleep each night. (Makes sense with those long cold dark snowy winter nights)

This report found that Hawaii residents have the lowest proportion of sleep each night. (once again makes sense right, nice sunny weather, beaches, night life, whats not to like?)

The government says we should be getting from seven to nine hours of sleep per night. How are you doing on that?


Who Should Pick Justice Scalias Replacement.

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We've seen and heard a lot from the right and left on who should get to choose Justice Antonin Scalias replacement.
Justice Scalia once said, "I would not like to be replaced by a successor who went on to undo everything I have done over the last 25 years."

I'm not a Justice Scalia fan but I do believe that President Obama is a fair and balanced President. He has almost a year left in his term and should nominate the next Supreme Court Justice.

The nominee should be vented yes but should have a proven track record on being fair and level headed. No one picked for this high court should be able to  rule on personal feelings. Questions on abortion and religion should not be a requirement of the picking process. Most Judges have a track record like any job and should be looked at how well they performed on there job up to this point.

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