Saturday, March 19, 2016

Voters Feeling Anger and Disenfranchised Not Alert To Reasons Why

Trump south rising rebel flag

The roots of discord

The undercurrent of feeling in the U.S., one of anger and frustration, while justified and to a large extent welcome, does not necessarily funnel change in a positive direction.

In the case of Donald Trump, those individuals feeling disenfranchised do not seem to be alert to the reason for their suffering, and thus tend to support extremes in their rush to vent their anger, i.e., “Anything is better than what we have now.” Donald Trump is too much of a narcissist to carry through on his boastful promises.

Those in his party who are so surprised at how Trump could have come about even now refuse to admit what brought us to this point: the self-serving behavior of the far right, and their abandonment of any pretext of participation in the government they swore to uphold and defend. For the last seven-plus years, their emphasis has been totally focused on returning to power, and they have demonstrated a willingness to let the people suffer if the alternative was to show the opposition in a positive light. For example, since the 
Republicans took over the Senate in 2012, appointments of federal judges have been blocked, even though there is a backlog of cases begging to be resolved. The Scalia replacement situation is but another example.
That things are bad is a given. That an angry mob can make things better is highly doubtful. They would need to be better organized, better able to see the big picture and work to make meaningful changes, such as term limits — remove these permanent campaigners from our government. But so far, all I see are tough guys cheering wildly at either empty platitudes or language that encourages them to feel comfortable in their bigotry.

The anger is justified, but the solution is misdirected.
By: Noel J. Munson

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